Business Lunch: Add Something Sweet to the Menu for National Cookie Month

Posted by on Friday, October 17th, 2014 with 6 Comments

October seems to be a time of year when everyone starts craving something on the sweeter side–probably because heading into winter makes us start thinking about all of the sweet holiday indulgences in our future. If you’ve found yourself craving delicious and tempting sweets–like a big slice of chocolate cake, a giant sugar cookie with sweet icing, or maybe even a yummy eclair or two–we know how you feel. Sweet cravings can get the best of us. But with October being National Cookie Month, you have an excuse to tack a little something sweet onto your business lunch.

And while sweets in moderation are certainly not a bad choice, there are ways to choose a healthier cookie that doesn’t leave you in a sugar slump mid-afternoon. So to help you get your sweet fix over the noon hour without completely sabotaging your diet for the rest of the day, we’ve compiled four delicious, and healthier, cookie options for you to consider.

Macaroons are a great way to get a taste of something sweet without adding lots of calories to your day. Photo credit: Flickr user aussiegall

Macaroons are a great way to get a taste of something sweet without adding lots of calories to your day.
Photo credit: Flickr user aussiegall 

Oatmeal Toffee Cookies: While these cookies are still a sweet treat, oats offer great health benefits, like boosting the hormones that control your appetite and helping to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, lowering bad cholesterol and managing your blood pressure. Not only that, but eating a diet rich in oats can help you feel fuller, longer. And replacing your usual chocolate chips with toffee chips can be a great way to add some new flavor without packing in extra sugar. By choosing oatmeal, you’ve made your cookie a lot healthier!

Chocolate Hazelnut Meringues: Meringues are a lovely, sweet cookie that are also quite airy and low in calories. These delicious cookies are dipped in dark chocolate, which is loaded with antioxidants that help lower your risk of disease. It’s also been shown to help you lose weight, decrease your risk of diabetes and reduce stress levels. They’re then topped with chopped hazelnuts, which are packed with fiber, protein and healthy fats, which can promote good heart health. The combination of this cookie makes for one pretty healthy indulgence. You could even have two if you were really craving something sweet!

Macadamia and Ginger Cookies: A take on traditional Italian amaretti, these cookies are a delicious mix of heart healthy macadamia nuts and ginger. Macadamia nuts are packed with good fats, which help to lower your cholesterol and decrease your risk of stroke. They also contain a type of fat that is believed to speed up your metabolism. Ginger adds a lovely taste compliment to this cookie, and it’s also great for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness!

Simple French Macaroons: Another light pastry cookie, macaroons are a tasty little treat that typically include two brightly colored cookies that are filled with a light frosting. They’re made from egg whites and sugar, which are whipped into a stiff mixture–the process makes them the perfect light afternoon treat when you’re working in the office. Macaroons are a great way to combat that sugar craving with something light and sweet, without packing a bunch of extra calories into your day.

Choosing Healthy

While you certainly don’t want to put cookies on the menu every day, having a small treat every once in a while can help you stick to your healthy eating goals for the rest of the week. And with so many tasty–and relatively healthy–dessert options out there, choosing something sweet doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your dinner, or completely undermining your healthy eating choices.

When you’re ready to order a sweet treat to accompany your next business lunch, is here to help. We can connect you to the best restaurants–with the tastiest cookies–in town. And we’ll even deliver your order right to your office! And that’s a great way to make your next business lunch one step easier.

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6 responses to “Business Lunch: Add Something Sweet to the Menu for National Cookie Month”

  1. marty mcfly says:

    I can’t help having a sweet tooth but it’s nice to know i could still indulge and not have to feel guilty about it later.

  2. Johanna says:

    Wow it was great to learn about healthy cookie choices!

    • Cortney G. says:

      I sure love sweets – so I love when local bakeries offer healthy options. Check some out and let us know what you think!

  3. Anita says:

    I love cookies. I usually bring chocolate chip to work but this is a great list of cookies I can add to the platter. This is a great excuse for us to indulge in a little sweet treat at work and I think cookie month will make a great conversation.

    • Cortney G. says:

      It’s a great way to spark collaboration – encourage your team to get together with the incentive of a sweet treat!