Holiday Happiness: Food Delivery and Sticking to Your Healthy Eating Plan Amid Indulgent Temptations

Posted by on Thursday, December 18th, 2014 with 2 Comments

As we’re entering the few weeks of the year that ultimately end up being the least healthy for most people, you might be wondering how you can maintain your nutrition goals instead of indulging every single day. We hear you – it’s not always easy to stay away from all the munchies your co-workers bring into the office to share during the holiday season, let alone all of the treats that might be arriving from different clients and vendors. Nevertheless, making healthy choices during the workday can help you do more than just avoid excess calories – it can help you feel healthier and keep your immune system strong, since we are also in the midst of cold and flu season. So if you’re looking for the best tips and tricks to stick to your healthy eating plan at the office during the holidays, you’ve come to the right place!

holiday treats

Those delicious cupcakes might look tasty now – but they can sabotage your dietary goals if you’re not careful!
Image source: Flickr user jennnster

Eat Breakfast

One way to avoid the munchies in the morning is to eat a tasty, balanced breakfast before these snacks even make their way into the office. The less hungry you are, the less tempted you’ll be to indulge in the sweet or savory snacks passing by your desk every fifteen minutes. The key is to choose a balanced breakfast that’s filled with lots of yummy ingredients, like leafy spinach, protein-packed eggs, and whole wheat toast. And if you’re not good at making breakfast before you come to the office, we’ve got you covered with some delicious, nutritious breakfast delivery options you’ll swoon over.

Go High Protein

You probably already know that high protein lunches can help you power through the rest of your day, but they can also curb your craving for something to munch on in the afternoon! Choosing meals for lunch that are filled with healthy proteins, like a delicious cobb salad, dressing on the side, can help you get a taste of something super yummy for your midday meal, keep your calories on track to help you stick to your daily goals, and also help you stay fuller, longer. And that’s definitely a lunch worth getting delivered.

Get in a Walk

Getting your blood pumping by going for a short walk can help you avoid indulging in the sweet treats sitting out around your office. Take some time each afternoon, even if it’s just fifteen minutes, to power-walk around the block or do the stairs in your building. Not only will you help curb your cravings and better stick to your healthy eating plan, you’ll get in a little exercise for heart health at the same time!

Pack Healthy Snacks

Even with the most valiant efforts, you might find yourself craving a little treat mid-afternoon. For times like these, you can protect yourself from dietary sabotage by stocking up on yummy Greek yogurt and bags of almonds or other healthy nuts. By giving yourself pre-measured snacks, you’ll control your portion sizes better than taking cup after cup of that popcorn mix you’ve been eyeing all afternoon. Plus, snacks like these pack the right combination of protein and fiber to help you stay full and energized for the rest of the afternoon.

Meal Plan

Getting through the work day without indulging in all the cookies and other treats being brought in can feel like a battle, but you might also need some tricks for avoiding the sugar binges at night! Use meal planning to detail healthy, well-balanced dinners for your family each week. Not only will it help you find delicious options to keep your whole family full and satisfied (and away from the treats you’re saving for the actual holidays), you can more easily plan for those nights when you’re going to order in.

And whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, is here for you. We can deliver delicious meals from your favorite restaurants not just to your office, but also to your home! And in the season where time is of the essence, you might find yourself not so interested in cooking a big meal every night. So don’t forget that you have options – and this option means you don’t have to leave your house to pick up dinner after a long day at the office!

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2 responses to “Holiday Happiness: Food Delivery and Sticking to Your Healthy Eating Plan Amid Indulgent Temptations”

  1. Brian Alfieri says:

    This is good insightful information that makes me more aware of what I’m eating.