Employee Health: Supporting Workplace Wellness with a 30-Days-to-Healthy-Living Program

Posted by on Tuesday, December 16th, 2014 with Comments Off on Employee Health: Supporting Workplace Wellness with a 30-Days-to-Healthy-Living Program Comments

As you’re thinking through some new, creative ways to support your workplace wellness plan in the new year, start by focusing on the first thirty days. Studies show that it takes 30 days to form a new habit, and since so many Americans make a resolution to get healthy at the start of a new year, you can support those in your business looking to take on a healthier lifestyle by adding a 30-Days-to-Healthy-Living program to your workplace wellness series. So what does a program like this entail and how can it help your employees get (and stay!) healthier? We’ll cover all the things you need to know below.

employee health

Bringing unique weekly workouts and activities to your employees, in combination with other programming, can help your staff stay on track with their healthy lifestyle goals in 2015!
Image source: Flickr user MSC Marketing

What to Include

When you’re coming up with ways to keep your employees on a healthier track, the key is to help them stay engaged with their goals by providing fun options for getting information and staying healthy at the office. To start, go with the basics: install water stations around your company, so employees always have access to fresh hydration. Stock your vending machines with healthier options, so that individuals can grab healthy snacks between meetings. Offer accountability buddies, so employees have someone to boost their spirits and help them stay on track with their healthier lifestyle choices.

Next, provide fun opportunities for exercise, like a group that does the stairs for twenty minutes over the lunch hour, three days a week. If you regularly provide exercise classes, switch up the instructors whom you bring to the office – piyo, kickboxing, and barre are popular classes that can help your employees to get in a great workout while having a lot of fun trying something new! And plan some fun lunch-and-learns where experts come in to talk about workouts individuals can easily do at their desk when they’re taking a break, how to teach their kids to make healthier choices, and ideas for cooking healthy, without taking the flavor out of their meals. This is the kind of information that will help your staff apply healthier lifestyle methods to their entire life – not just at work.

Healthy Lunch Choices

For many of your employees, getting a healthy lunch can be an afterthought. The problem with this is that an unhealthy lunch can throw all of their dietary goals off track for the day. Make things easier by giving them healthy options to choose from that can be delivered to your office. With our virtual cafe service, your employees can log into our easy-to-use system and choose daily options from amazing local chefs. We provide the healthy options, they customize their order to their liking – just like they would if they ordered on their own. Then we bring the order to your office. And since payment is easy to customize so that individual employees can pick up their own tab, adding a feature like this to your workplace wellness program doesn’t have to come at a huge expense to the company.

Employee Health Drives Company Bottom Line

The benefits of good employee health over time can have a huge impact on your company’s bottom line. Not only can healthier employees lead to lower overall health care costs, but it can lead to staff to missing less work and help them to be more productive during the time they spend in your office. Plus, healthier people tend to be a lot happier overall – and happy staff can lead to a brand with a more positive public image. All of these aspects put it in your best interest to do what you can to support your team’s goals to lead a healthier life in 2015. And a great place to start is through really driving healthy values home during the first thirty days of the new year with a program like the one we just outlined.

To support your own efforts, Waiter.com can be your food partner throughout the entire year. Not only can we help you provide yummy meals for your employees through our virtual cafe service, we can also provide awesome corporate catering ideas for your lunch and learns and other corporate events. We know that delicious food can also be healthy food – and we’d love to help bring that concept to your company!

When it comes to feeding employees and coworkers, make your company's food program really count! If your workplace dining plan needs to take it up a notch — or if you don't have one at all — Waiter.com is here to help. From Virtual Cafeteria Service to diverse menus to local takeout & deliveryWaiter.com offers customizable dining solutions for every business and budget. Contact us today to get started!

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