Encouraging Productivity: Why to Offer Healthy Office Snacks as Part of an Incentive Plan

Posted by on Monday, September 15th, 2014 with 3 Comments

healthy office snacks

Providing healthy office snacks has great health benefits and can encourage your staff to be more productive at work.
Photo credit: Flickr user SweetOnVeg

In the past, providing food perks beyond the office coffee and occasional donut day was something that most companies simply didn’t think about. But with our nation’s move toward a more healthy lifestyle – and a workplace that’s conducive to that style of living – more and more employers are choosing to provide healthier snack options to their staff. And it’s not just an office perk to attract bright, young talent to the table. Providing nutritious snacks at the office can encourage your staff to eat better.

Studies have shown that when employees have access to healthy office snacks as a perk to their job, they take less sick time, are more productive, and are less likely to become ill due to a cold or the flu. With the reduction in illnesses, many employers also see a drop in their health care expenses. And if that’s got your attention, here are some best practices you should consider when adding any kind of meal program to your office benefits package. Read the full article…

Spice Up Your Salad: 7 Toppings to Considered for Your Next Food Delivery Order

Posted by on Friday, September 12th, 2014 with 6 Comments

Eating a salad for lunch is a great way to keep your meal healthy and filling – and also delicious. Salads can help you meet your daily fiber needs, are filled with various vitamins (because of the abundance of fruits and veggies). They can provide an opportunity to include more smart fats in your diet, through toppings like avocado and olive oil, which help your body absorb phytochemicals like lycopene and lutein. Eating lots of raw veggies is also linked to living longer – which is something we can all appreciate!

But with that being said, there are a lot of popular salad ingredients that can really sabotage your daily dietary goals – things like fried wonton strips, heavy dressing choices and an abundance of cheese. If you’re trying to keep your salad on the lighter side – but are tired of eating the same old thing, every single day – you might feel like it’s time to throw your salad aside in favor of a more flavorful (and potentially more calorie packed) lunch option. But never fear! We’ve found seven great ingredients to help you spice up your salad – and leave you coming back for more.

salad for food delivery

Using unique tastes and textures for your salad is a great way to spice up your lunch!
Photo Credit: Flickr user WordRidden

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Workplace Wellness: 4 Tips to Encourage Employees to Stretch for Productivity

Posted by on Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 with 2 Comments

We’ve all been there: those moments when you’re sitting at your desk, hunched over your computer, feeling less and less focused as each moment wears on. In fact, when your employees are feeling drained, they’re more easily distracted and less productive while working – and this is increasingly becoming a problem among U.S. employers. But did you know that there’s actually a simple fix for this problem – and it’s something that promotes a healthier workplace at the same time?

Office Yoga for workplace wellness

Office yoga is one way to incorporate stretching into your workplace wellness program.
Photo Credit: Flickr user enfad

Believe it or not, a stretch break can be just the ticket for helping your staff feel better and work harder – meaning a higher level of productivity throughout the day. Not only does stretching help improve flexibility (and loosen up tight muscles after sitting at a desk for hours on end), it can help your employees clear their mind to help them focus on their work and eliminate those nasty tension headaches that can block creativity. And the benefits of healthy habits in the workplace go beyond the individual – when employees feel better, morale increases among colleagues, making for a more positive and conducive work environment. Read the full article…

Early Morning Meetings: 4 Paleo Breakfast Ideas to Kick Off a Great Day

Posted by on Monday, September 8th, 2014 with 4 Comments

Let’s face it: it can be hard to get your office motivated for early morning meetings. Racing to get to work for an earlier than normal start time – especially for a meeting that requires a lot of brain power – isn’t topping anyone’s shortlist of favorite things to do. But bringing something different to the table – like an energizing, Paleo-inspired breakfast – will help to make life a little easier, at least when it comes to motivating your staff to get in an hour earlier than usual.



frittata paleo breakfast

Frittatas are a great Paleo-inspired dish for your next early breakfast meeting.
Image source: Flickr user Didriks

A growing percentage of the population has started to incorporate the Paleo craze into their lifestyle – it’s estimated that around one million to three million Americans joined the Paleo ranks last year. Because the Paleo diet is based on eating real, unprocessed foods, people find themselves experiencing a lot of health related benefits – like higher energy levels, better sleep, sustained weight loss, and simply feeling healthier on a daily basis. With this in mind, offering some Paleo-inspired dishes that are a take on everyone’s favorite breakfast foods is one way to help your office fuel up for the day while sampling a different style of healthier living.

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