Mix Up Your Lunch Delivery: Five Ways to Make a Sub Sandwich More Interesting and Healthy

Posted by on Monday, October 6th, 2014 with 6 Comments

Sub sandwiches are one of the easiest – and favorite – lunches of office workers across the country. And while they’re often billed as being one of the more healthy lunch choices on the market, that’s not always true. In fact, many of the specialty sandwiches touted by these restaurants contain upwards of 900 calories! Numbers like those can certainly prevent you from reaching your dietary goals on a daily basis – and based on the ingredients, can also make you sluggish and tired for the rest of the afternoon.

Eating a nutritious, filling lunch isn’t just hype: it’s a great way to meet your daily health needs, keep you energized for the afternoon and make you more productive. So when you’re choosing a sub sandwich as your midday meal choice, how can you ensure that you’re not just filling up on empty calories, but actually consuming the right kinds of foods that will help you get through the afternoon? Here are four ways to change up your sandwich so that you’re eating healthier and feeling better about your meal choices all day long.

healthier sub sandwich

Choosing half the cheese on your vegetarian sub sandwich can help make your lunch even healthier.
Photo Credit: Flickr user ninacoco

Double the veggies

Yes, it sounds basic, but it’s something that many of us skip over when we’re ordering a sub! Going heavy on the cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, and any other veggies the restaurant stocks is a great way to add some healthy bulk to your meal, mix in some extra flavor, and help you feel more satisfied after you eat lunch. Not only are veggies high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, but they can also help you reduce your risk of certain diseases and help you prevent everyday illnesses like the common cold. Now that’s a reason to stock up on the veggies!

Go halfsies on the cheese

Sub shops tend to pack on the cheese, especially if you’re ordering a vegetarian sandwich. And while a little cheese is a good thing – it is packed with dairy and protein, after all – too much is going to load your meal with excess fat and leave you feeling a little gut heavy for the afternoon. Although you could just take off the extra cheese you don’t need after your sub arrives, it can be pretty tempting to eat it after you finish your sub. Avoid the over-the-top cheese by asking for half the amount and save yourself the extra cheese temptation at the end of your meal.

Skip the mayo

Mayo is a common sub shop condiment – that’s also loaded with fat and calories, which can make you sluggish for the second half of your day. And while you’re cutting back on the mayo, don’t ask for oil or butter, either. Instead of adding a high fat topping to your sub, go with one of the savory-sweet dressing options like a honey mustard or ginger teriyaki. These choices will pack a tasty punch to leave you just as satisfied, while eliminating the excessive fat and calories from your condiment choice. Another option is to substitute with a healthy fat, like avocado or guacamole, which can offer a great alternative as a creamy spread.

Add something unusual

No matter how tasty your favorite sub is, eating the same sandwich all the time can get a little boring. So try mixing up your flavors a little from time to time. Ordering your sub with a fruit, like some thin apple slices, substituting your usual American cheese for some provolone, trying some kalamata olives with your cucumber, or even just changing out your bread choice from sliced to pita can give you the flavor change your tastebuds are looking for. Switching things up with healthy ingredient choices is a great way to keep your lunch tasty and packed with nutrition to get you through the afternoon.

Keeping it delicious

Ordering a healthy sub for lunch can be just as exciting – and a lot healthier – than trying the new burger joint around the corner. The key is to make wise choices where it comes to the toppings and condiments you add to your sandwich. And by mixing things up, you’ll never get bored with your midday meal choice.

When you’re ready to order the perfect sub to fill you up for the afternoon, Waiter.com is here to help! We can hook you up with the best sandwich shops in town – and deliver your food right to your office, saving you time and hassle on your lunch break. Check out all of our great options today!

When it comes to feeding employees and coworkers, make your company's food program really count! If your workplace dining plan needs to take it up a notch — or if you don't have one at all — Waiter.com is here to help. From Virtual Cafeteria Service to diverse menus to local takeout & deliveryWaiter.com offers customizable dining solutions for every business and budget. Contact us today to get started!

6 responses to “Mix Up Your Lunch Delivery: Five Ways to Make a Sub Sandwich More Interesting and Healthy”

  1. SBO says:

    This looks delicious!
    I think that this would be perfect quick and refreshing breakfast.
    Thank you.

    • Amelia K. says:

      Thanks! We hope you love these options – let us know how they turn out!

  2. Troy Blackburn says:

    That’s very true what you said about how switching things up with healthy ingredients is a great way to keep your lunch tasty and packed with nutrition. I’ve heard that the majority of people that regularly order sandwiches tend to get the same order every, single time. I’ve got to have variety in my life! I’ll definitely be sure to mix up my sandwich order next time after reading these great tips and tricks.

    • Shelly says:

      Hey Troy, glad we could motivate you to try something new! Hope you find something you like by stepping out of your comfort zone!

  3. Bradford Snelson says:

    I can definitely see your point about how too much cheese could make you regret your sandwich choice later on. I feel like a sub shop that lets you dictate how much of what you get on your sub would be a good way to make sure that you’re building it just the way you like it. Of course, not all store’s can follow that method so another good option would just be to ask for the light or healthy options on their menu.