Celebrate National Curry Week with Sensational Middle Eastern and Moroccan Food Delivery

Posted by on Tuesday, October 7th, 2014 with Comments Off on Celebrate National Curry Week with Sensational Middle Eastern and Moroccan Food Delivery Comments

What’s better than ordering fresh ethnic cuisine for a meal at the office? Having the perfect excuse to do so! Next week marks National Curry Week in the UK, which sounds like a great excuse for those of us in the U.S. to branch out and satisfy our curry cravings at work. It also offers us incentive to delve deeper into our understanding of curry culture, along with the different types of cuisines that feature this delicious, hot, mouthwatering mixture.

A green curry dish being cooked.

Curries can be labor-intensive to cook at home, which makes them the perfect treat to have delivered at the office.
Image source: Flickr user numb3r


The nature of curries

Originating in Southeast Asia, and a veritable staple of Indian cuisine, curries are best known as a mix of spices and herbs in a flavorful, stew-like concoction that can be eaten alone, or with an accompanying dish of rice or bread. But in terms of what a curry is comprised of, the answers range greatly. As an example, a British definition of curry might include “a mélange of onion, ginger, turmeric, garlic, pepper, chilies, coriander, cumin, and other spices cooked with shellfish, meat, or vegetables.”

Depending on where they’re made, curries will vary widely. From chickpea to pumpkin, from fish to beef — curries are as varied as their cooks. Moreover, the types of spices found in curries differ even within a given country, or province: the curries one finds in Tamil Nadu in south India are not the same as those found further north in, say, New Delhi.

Curries can warm the belly in a way that few other dishes can. The only question is: with the delicious abundance of curry options to choose from, where does one start? Pleasing a few people is one thing; satisfying an entire office is quite another. But never fear — we’ve pulled together some of our best food delivery order suggestions to help your staff celebrate curry week in all its spiced glory.

Vegetable curry in a bowl.

Vegetable curry is a classic, with eggplant, peppers, and lots of spices.
Image source: Flickr user pelican.


Moroccan and Middle Eastern cuisine

Rather than going for the typical Indian or Asian curries, let’s think outside the box. There are many cultures that boast stunning curries, including both Moroccan and Middle Eastern cuisine. As a side bonus, ordering curries from these cultures encourages us to try additional dishes from these parts of the world as well. If you’ve found your office has been getting stuck in a rut with the usual food delivery orders like Indian and Thai, this is a way to shake things up — while sating appetites, and expanding employees’ culinary horizons.

Since curries are driven by their combination of spices and herbs, it bodes well that Moroccan and Middle Eastern cuisines emphasize both of these flavor-generators. Dishes from the Middle East tend to favor ingredients like olive oil, chickpeas, parsley, sesame, and dried fruits such as dates. Moroccan cuisine leans heavily on spices (more so than Middle Eastern cuisine) and relies on meats like beef, lamb, chicken, and seafood.

Ordering curries for the office

Finding suitable curries for the vegetarians on staff will be a breeze. Try an order of Moroccan pumpkin curry, eggplant curry, and the country’s classic vegetable curry. Each will have a distinct flavoring from its respective spices, as well as different textures from the types of veggies it uses. Add tofu for an additional meat-free protein boost to this already hearty — and heartwarming — meal.

Meanwhile, an order of both chicken curry and beef curry will make meat-loving employees jump for joy. These are satisfying meals with a Middle East spin from the types of spices they feature. If you want a more exciting selection, try Moroccan lamb curry or seafood curry; both will give you a taste of this country’s succulent cuisine. And to please the office foodies, look no further than an order of Quwarmah Al Dajaj: this Middle Eastern specialty, also known as Kuwaiti curried chicken, contains all of the cuisine’s classic spices and flavors, including “lime, ginger, turmeric, baharat, cumin, cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika.”

Cooking in Morocco.

Exploring curries from Morocco and the Middle East will definitely spice things up in the office!
Image source: Flickr user Grand Parc – Bordeaux, France


Extra sides equals satisfaction guaranteed

To stick with the Moroccan and Middle Eastern theme, order a large side of pita bread with which to sop up the sauce. And don’t forget plenty of rice for the wheat-free or gluten-free staff members to pair their curries with. Asking for wholewheat pitas and brown rice will give the meal some added nutritional kick. And don’t forget the extra napkins — they will come in handy during this meal!

Curries are all about waking up our senses — they are to our taste buds what music is to our ears. The sight, smell, touch, and taste of a freshly made curry are tough to beat when it comes to pure sensory pleasure. When trying new curries at the office, encourage staff members to bring with them open minds, ready to welcome in new tastes and flavor combinations. Waiter.com is always on-hand to take your order — and help turn your staff into a group of spirited curry aficionados.

What are your favorite types of curries to eat at work? Let us know in the comments!


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