Why a Business Mentoring Program over the Lunch Hour Can Be Great for Staff Development

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When it comes to workplace wellness, many office employees desire more learning opportunities that are available over the lunch hour. And for companies that are interested in creating a culture that fosters staff development and wellness, starting a mentorship program during that noon hour can be a great fit.

Mentorship programs go one step beyond a regular lunch and learn: they offer employees the chance to learn more about their jobs, the company for which they work, and the chance to develop more skills to do their jobs better. It also gives them a trusted resource within the company who can act as a sounding board for how to solve problems, hold them accountable for reaching goals, and cheer them on when they reach accomplishments.

business mentoring

Bringing a business mentoring program to your company can improve staff morale and retention rates.
Image source: Flickr user Eileen M. Kane

The companies that are adding business mentoring programs as part of a workplace wellness program are seeing great results. Not only are employees who participate more engaged, they’re seeing higher retention rates and larger skills development. If your interest has been piqued about adding a program like this to your company, we have some great best practices to help make your series more successful.

Consider the end goal

While a mentorship program at large is a great concept, working that down to what the end goal of the program is will help narrow the focus. Do you want your staff to feel more fulfilled at work? Then consider a program that focuses on how to become more efficient in your job, figure out what tasks particular employees can do to make the biggest difference, and how to find a better work life balance. If staff morale is the goal, then consider matching pairs from different departments to help new staff learn more about the business as a whole. It can also help to incorporate fun activities, like team contests or outings at different points during the program.

Many businesses are also incorporating a concept known as “reverse pairing,” where veteran employees learn from the new recruits. The goal is to help newer staff learn how to teach skills, gain visibility within the company, and talk about what they know. It also gives the veteran staff the chance to learn more about newer technology  and strategies with which they might not be familiar. It’s a great way to build relationships among employees and help newer team members feel more involved in how they contribute to the bottom line of the company (which can also serve to increase retention rates).

Don’t forget training

In order for your mentors to be successful in the program, they are going to need some training to understand best practices for coaching their team member, tactics for motivating younger employees, and insight regarding the company’s ultimate goals for the program. It is also helpful to have an actual business mentoring plan in place before the program starts – something that outlines what types of conversations the teams should be having each week and how to stay accountable to the program. By giving your staff the guidelines ahead of time, they’re more likely to stay engaged and learn more throughout the length of the program.

Offer an incentive

While mentoring programs have a lot to offer for all parties involved, it can be a big time commitment. Encouraging your staff to participate through the use of incentives can help increase the number of employees who join the program and also how dedicated they are to making their mentor-mentee relationship successful. Offering a catered lunch once a week when team members are meeting is a great place to start – and a healthy midday meal can also help employees stay more engaged throughout the rest of the afternoon. A reward – like an afternoon of golf outing or party – to celebrate the end of the program can help individuals to stay engaged for the long haul. And offering small incentives, like coffee shop gift cards, every few weeks for teams who achieve some of the goals they set out at the beginning of the program can help them to work harder and take more away from the program as a whole.

Building a healthier company

Mentorship programs are a great way to build an office culture that’s focused on building up employees and helping them to achieve their highest potential. It can help increase productivity, staff retention rates and overall workplace morale. And bringing together your employees to build stronger relationships and teaching them to work together towards a common goal is great for the future of the business.

When you’re ready to start your own company mentorship program – and want to offer a healthy catered lunch to participants – Waiter.com has you covered! We offer a variety of options, from traditional catering to our virtual cafeteria service, to keep everyone engaged and happy. We can help you make your new program a great success!


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