4 Reasons Why Brunch Should Replace Business Lunches for Employee Appreciation

Posted by on Friday, May 2nd, 2014 with Comments Off on 4 Reasons Why Brunch Should Replace Business Lunches for Employee Appreciation Comments

When you understand the importance of employee appreciation — one of the top reasons why people stay satisfied and engaged at their jobs — chances are you make a habit of saying thank you. The only downside to having a culture that embraces appreciation is that it can be easy for the message itself to become part of the routine. When you provide bagels every Monday as a special thank-you, the “special” part is quickly lost. If you order the same Chinese take-out on Wednesdays for a mid-week treat, the “treat” can become an expectation.

woman sipping coffee

Linger over coffee and conversation at an office brunch.
Image source: Flickr user sean mason

Business lunches, catered meetings, even lunch-and-learns: all are wonderful, but to really set a meal apart as a special celebration of employees’ contributions, think outside the typical workweek… and host an office brunch.

Yes, brunch. Email your employees in advance and tell them to clear an hour in the middle of the morning (10:30 is usually ideal, so everyone has time to handle urgent emails beforehand) on the scheduled day, and not to eat a big breakfast, because there’s a truly special, out-of-the-ordinary treat in store.

Need more convincing? Here are the four specific reasons why brunch should replace lunch as your employee appreciation meal:

brunch flowers on a table

Fresh flowers add a special touch to the break room at an office brunch.
Image source: Flickr user Vincent Lim Show Chen

1) Brunch is relaxing.

Just think of the word “brunch”. It conjures up images of chatting with friends, lingering a little bit over a meal, and happy, lazy weekends. Maybe a good Sunday newspaper or crossword puzzle if you like to dine solo. It just feels a little special and peaceful. Now, think how that vibe can translate to the office: set up the break room with flowers on the tables, pretty cloth napkins at each place setting, and pitchers of fresh-squeezed juices. Right away, the message is sent. This is no ordinary day at the office. This isn’t another one of those rushed, harried, work-focused business lunches. This is brunch. Relax, savor the food, enjoy the company… and feel appreciated.

2) Brunch is cheap.

Not to be tacky, but it’s true. Brunch is generally more affordable to serve a group than a catered lunch. A nice tray of pastries, some whole fruit, and a few egg dishes, like frittatas or quiches, will provide a tasteful yet not extravagant spread. Of course, you can add in extras like yogurt, lox, and even mimosas, but you don’t need to spend a lot to provide a lovely meal.

egg white frittata and strawberries

Frittatas and fruit make for a healthy office brunch.
Image source: Flickr user Jason Bachman

3) Brunch can be quite healthy.

Serving a big, heavy meal in the middle of the morning is pretty much a guarantee that the office will be sluggish and sleepy the rest of the day. But, providing plenty of healthy options is easy at brunch: think egg-white omelets, vegetable-stuffed frittatas, whole wheat toast, oatmeal, or fruit-and-yogurt parfaits. Brunch is naturally suited to fiber-rich whole grains, healthy proteins, and wholesome fresh fruit, all of which will provide the long-lasting energy release needed for a truly productive day.

brunch table

No one mistakes brunch for business lunches.
Image source: Flickr user Tammy Strobel

4) Brunch is unexpected.

This is the most important piece of the puzzle: brunch isn’t a normal occurrence in the office. Lunch, on the other hand, most definitely is part of the routine. A lot of employees participate in business lunches or even catered meetings on a regular basis, and you may even have a habit of pizza deliveries on Fridays or the occasional group takeout order during a busy period. Brunch, though, is different. Set an hour aside in everyone’s schedule for a mid-morning meal, and you’ve already made an impact on the daily routine. And when that meal is focused on socializing and bonding, or by deliberately communicating appreciation by handing out an award or verbal recognition, the impact on morale and teamwork will be that much more meaningful.

For a delicious brunch that will set your office buzzing with positivity and good vibes, contact the food delivery experts at Waiter.com! With easy online ordering, Waiter.com makes planning your menu a relaxing and stress-free experience – just like the brunch itself will be!

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